Wednesday 9 October 2024

Run Helen Run - SUCCESS!

A HUGE thank you to all who came and filled the Parish Hall with love and support for Helen at our Fellside Singers and Pandora's Handbag joint fundraising gig recently. 

That night, we raised over a whopping £1500 for APEC (Action on Pre-eclampsia) and overall, Helen was their top marathon fundraiser this year! 

With recordings of us singing in her ears, she absolutely went on to complete the whole of the London Marathon on Sunday 21st April in an amazing yet gruelling 6.33.51! 

Helen writes "We only went and did it!! We started together, stayed together and crossed the finish line together. An amazing atmosphere and an incredible achievement! I may have just put my name in the ballot for next year...... Thank you so much for all the support and love. Totally overwhelming and wonderful. Thank you xx"

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